Thursday 27 March 2014

AS Media Studies Coursework Evaluation Question 6

AS Media Studies Coursework Evaluation Question 5

How did we attract our intended audience to our Thriller, "Difference"?

AS Media Studies Coursework Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The intended audience for our Thriller, "Difference", is young teens and adults. I know this because it is mostly this kind of audience that likes and watches Thrillers at all for whatever reason, e.g. Thriller conventions. This is further proven in my Audience Research questionnaire:

Do you like Thriller movies?

Yes: 14 young teens (8 male, 6 female), 10 adults (7 male, 3 female)
No: 6 young teens (2 male, 4 female), 3 adults (1 male, 2 female)
I don't know/Haven't watched any: 2 young teens (0 male, 2 female), 1 adult (0 male, 1 female)

Our intended audience would want to watch our Thriller because of the inclusion and clever use of the Thriller genre's conventions, e.g. we used a cliffhanger, suspense, intense music, dark locations, etc; which young teens and adults (mostly males) appreciate. The audience will also be able to relate with and appreciate the main character, due to him being an ordinary and generic person, just like them. Also, while our Thriller is aimed both genders, my survey shows that males like and watch Thrillers more than females.