Wednesday 18 September 2013

Macro Elements

Macro Elements


"Genre" literally means the categories of media products. Genre is a macro element of a media product. Examples of genres are Horror, Thriller, Action etc. For a media product to be part of a certain genre, e.g. Action, it would need to feature the certain characteristics related to that genre, e.g. fighting.

List of Genres and their characteristics

Horror:- fear, monsters, darkness, death, tension, suspense, blood, unknown

Examples:- Hide And Seek, Hush, Scream series, The Descent, Halloween series, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Blair Witch Project

Fantasy:- unrealistic, awe, supernatural, good vs. evil, heroes, villains, magic, save the world, super powers

Examples:- Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui, Harry Potter movie series, Epic, several Disney movies

Action:- fighting, good vs. evil, heroes, villains, save the world, guns, swords, weapons

Examples:- Transformers (2007), Die Hard series, 007 James Bond movies, Indiana Jones series, Rush Hour series


"Narrative" refers to how the plot or story (a sequence of events) of a film is revealed to the audience.

There are two different types of Narrative:-
  • Linear:- when the story is told to the audience in its proper order; beginning, middle and end. This is the most popular form of Narrative.
  • Non-Linear:- when the story is told in an improper order, like end, beginning, middle, end. An example of this type of Narrative is the film, "Pulp Fiction".

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