Wednesday 15 January 2014

Thriller Coursework Planning Documents: Treatment

Group Roles

Cinematography: Joe Howlett
Mise-en-scene: Marianne Webb
Sound: Marianne Webb
Editing: Joe Howlett

Title: Difference

Tag Line: It’s not always the same…

Synopsis:  Victim wakes up in a dark room, tries to look around, and however cannot see anything. Kidnapper then says lines like “Isn’t it strange how roles can be reversed…”. Then the next shot that we will see is that a shot saying 12 hours earlier, the victim has an argument with a couple of his friends and/or family and leaves the house to try and calm down but ends up getting kidnapped after getting knocked out by the villain. The screen goes to black and the title of the film comes up. The villain kidnaps him because she wants a role reversal, instead of a man kidnapping a helpless girl, a woman would kidnap a helpless man.

Key Genre Conventions:

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